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“瓷砖”简一出征博洛尼亚展 与国际品牌同台引领高档瓷砖潮流新趋势

时间:2022-09-04 10:09:41 来源:GANI自然之美

今天,西北书画艺术笑笑给大家分享GANI自然之美带来的《“瓷砖”简一出征博洛尼亚展 与国际品牌同台引领高档瓷砖潮流新趋势》。


From 27th September to 1st October, CERSAIE 2021 came to a stunning conclusion.


As a leading brand in the category of high-end marble tiles, GANI presented Natural Infinity, a series of cutting-edge products and unique technology to surprise the world。


Founded in 1983, the Bologna Exhibition in Italy is one of the largest and most professional exhibitions in the world's ceramic industry. Despite the post-pandemic effect, 6 Chinese ceramic companies joined the event.



As a Chinese brand entering the Exhibition for the 6th time, GANI has relentlessly focused on the R&D, design, production and application of marble tiles, and come up with breakthroughs in technology, craftsmanship, products and service.

无限连纹 引领绿色家装潮流

本届博洛尼亚展上,简一带来皇家蓝、静雅棕、保加利亚灰、拉萨白、劳伦斯金、西班牙米黄等多款大规格重磅符号产品。该系列产品以自然界珍稀石材为创作蓝本,从纹理、触感、光感等维度精准还原石材的自然美与空间美,以极致质感匠心打造高品位绿色人居空间。Inspired by natural stones’ colors and veins, the big slab series with uninterrupted connected veins introduces Nature into our lives.





GANI MARBLE TILES consists on the philosophy - “We promise to provide the best marble tiles, and the best solutions”. The continuous innovation in products design and application leads the trend of the whole industry.

密缝铺贴 硬实力惊艳全场


GANI has invented the 0.5mm seamless-joint technology, creating an infinite beauty by almost invisible joints. Different from traditional joints of 1.5-3mm, the technology produces a more natural and larger living spaces. It’s worth noting that the tech has also been listed in the leading level in the world after being appraised by the scientific and technological research institute.



“简一产品和技术的迭代创新为全球家居设计提供了不同的创作灵感和解决方案。”现场一位客商评价说。十九年如一日专注于高端大理石瓷砖领域,以追求极致和持续创新的工匠精神不断深耕产品、服务与技术,构建强大的品牌竞争壁垒,让中国制造闪耀世界舞台。One GANI partner said, “The 19-year effort in marble tiles endows GANI with superb craftsmanship and persistent innovation in products, services and technology. It is a Chinese brand of perseverance that shines on the world stage.”

好了,关于“瓷砖”简一出征博洛尼亚展 与国际品牌同台引领高档瓷砖潮流新趋势的内容就介绍到这。
