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时间:2021-05-19 22:38:46 来源:




本次展览将展出李德哲先生以“自我、自由、自在”为核心表现的诗书画作品60多幅,是李德哲三独观的又一次精彩呈现。李德哲的作品,一气贯通,体现了老 子“法道自然”的哲学思想,从自我意识出发,从自由走向自然,从自然走向无限,最终又以自在的形式,构成了灵魂的游走,成就了精神与视觉上的一次广阔漫 游。

著名学者、画家 李德哲近照

李德哲,又名老德(Lord Li),著名学者、画家。中国美术家协会会员,中国社会科学院文化研究员,人民美术创作院院长,美国李德哲美术馆荣誉馆长。2006年他在人民大会堂举办画展,开创了个人画展在人民大会堂举办的先河。2012年,由中国国家画院、中国画学会与河南省委宣传部联合在老子故里周口市博物馆举办“问道丹青•李德哲画展”。



Li Dezhe Artist Introduction

Li Dezhe, also Known as Lord Li, A famous scholar painter. Member of Chinese Artist Association. CASS cultures researcher, President of People’s Fine Arts Academy, Artistic Adviser of Quanzhou Association U.S.A.

Li Dezhe publishing painting album and many books, 2006 Exhibition held in the Great Hall, Beijing, China. It was the first painter exhibition at the Great Hall. His works has been to take a dip Shijian-8 satellite in space for 15 days, becoming one of China's ten honored painter. His artistic view of three independent ( independent of the noble faith, independent artistic thinking, independent human care) It has a great influence on Chinese painting.

Li Dezhe works, reflects the traditional Chinese Philosophy, The pursuit of spiritual freedom, freedom to express stressed. Painting skill look elegant and simplicity. Mood, statues, expression, artistically, visible calm and quiet. There are decent spirit of tolerance.

His paintings have been a number of art galleries, museums and other collections and foreign collectors Favorites. His works has been presented as a state gift to the current US ambassador to China Max Baucus and became the couple favorites collection.
